Ivan Morgillo

Programming, Life-style, Random

  • Get started with Ruby on Rails on WSL2 Ubuntu

    Install Ubuntu If you already have WSL2 Ubuntu 24.04 skip these two steps. Open PowerShell as Administrator: Once Ubuntu is installed, make sure it’s running as WSL2: Close PowerShell and run Ubuntu-24.04 from the application menu. Once you are in the Ubuntu terminal, update and install things: Once the system dependencies are installed, install rbenv:…

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  • New year, old and new challenges

    2023 ended with me falling in love with Rails again after 15 years. I have always been a huge fan of 37signals. I like their products in a weird way: I have always wanted to use Basecamp, but I always worked for people who used and hated Jira. Then Hey mail came out, and I decided to migrate…

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  • The Power of Flexibility: More Than Just a Mindset

    The Power of Flexibility: More Than Just a Mindset

    In the ever-changing landscape of life and work, adaptability isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a survival skill. As a seasoned software engineer and a human being who’s navigated the ebbs and flows of life, I’ve come to appreciate the profound power of a flexible mindset. It’s the mental yoga that keeps us resilient in the face…

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  • You won’t believe how much time you will save with this Git pre-push hook

    Introduction A significant part of being a successful software developer is refining our workflows to optimize productivity. One method I’ve found incredibly useful is integrating Git hooks with static code analysis tools such as Detekt for my Android projects. The Role of Git Hooks and Detekt in Code Quality Before we dive into the actual…

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  • DigitalOcean Droplets killing your npm install? You need more swap!

    Move from 500MB to 1GB with just a few commands: Enjoy.

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  • Run a IntelliJ/Android Studio configuration with a shortcut

    If you are like me, you have a few “Run configurations” when you develop an app: Run the appRun the testsRun the static analysisRun the UI tests You can generally only run the latest one using a keyboard shortcut. I found an IJ/AS plugin that lets you associate a shortcut to any existing Run Configuration!…

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  • Show layout bounds from command line

    Lately I found myself clicking through Android Settings menu to enable and disable “Show layout bounds” to check if views are where are supposed to be a bit too often. Using the menu once is OK. Using the menu twice is still OK. I live by the Rule of three so when I hit the…

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  • Rainbow Brackets – Android Studio / Intellij IDEA plugins

    My first Android course ended a few days ago, but good old habits stay: let’s keep talking about my always-installed Android Studio / Intellij IDEA plugins 😄 One of my favorite programming habit is keeping my functions short and clear. Even with this approach it happens more often than I like that I struggle to…

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  • Diventa un Android Dev

    Dal 1 febbraio 2021, in collaborazione con CGM Consulting, partirà il mio corso di programmazione Android destinato a tutti coloro che si stanno avvicinando al mondo della programmazione mobile: https://bit.ly/corso-android-ivan-morgillo Anche se sei già un dev, c’è sempre la possibilità di aiutare qualche amico o amica interessati ad una carriera come Android Dev 😉 Il…

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  • IntelliJ IDEA / Android Studio Tricks: “Presentation Assistant” plugin

    One of my great passions related to programming is “Pair programming” or in its group version “Mob programming”. I have been fascinating by Extreme Programming for a long time and I strongly believe in its effectiveness. However something that often added friction while practicing PP was my extensive use of keyboard shortcuts. It’s a personal…

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