Ivan Morgillo

Programming, Life-style, Random

  • ADB over WiFi

    A few days ago, I built a device holder to place as many devices as possible on my desk without losing my sanity (https://medium.com/@hamen/first-hardware-project-of-2016-device-holder-4ef25670c507). One more step in that direction is solving the charging issue: N devices, with turned on screen, wifi and gsm data vs Powered USB Hub Poor USB Hub cannot win against…

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  • First hardware project of 2016: device holder

    “Ingredients” Old TV/VCR shelf Velcro Scissors 5 minutes /! Rocket science alert /! Flip the shelf. Place velcro on both the shelf and the back of the device. Attach the device.

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  • 2015: my quantum leap

    First week of 2016, lots to do, but what about 2015? I’m still working remotely and this helped a lot from a logistic point of view: I relocated in France with my fiancee. Writing I started this blog and I’m putting a fair amount of energy into it, but the most important event is definitely…

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  • Back in Krakow for the Droidcon

    After almost ten years, I was in Poland again last week. Ten years ago I was an Erasmus student; last week I was a speaker at Droidcon Krakow! The venue Every Droidcon feels like a family reunion to me, but the funny part is that the family is continuously growing in size, every time we…

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  • My first Devoxx

    Last Sunday my first Devoxx journey began, when I landed in the cute Antwerp. First thing in the morning: taxi to the Kinepolis Event Center. 5 minutes in the queue and I had my Devoxx badge! My talk about RxJava was at 18:05, so I had plenty of time to attend other talks and meet…

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  • Could you do remote working?

    When I started working a few years ago, I was a common junior programmer in a common huge open space. It was fun: lots of people hanging around, cool projects, lots to do. It didn’t last. Something went wrong at some point. I couldn’t focus, my productivity was decreasing. I started working more hours to…

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  • Ricetta per Pancake

    Da qualche tempo sto facendo colazione con i Pancake. Sono nutrienti e non hanno ingredienti esoterici come le merendine commerciali. Ingredienti per una persona “affamata” 100g di farina 1 cucchiaio di zucchero 1 cucchiaino di lievito 1 pizzico di sale 1 pizzico di cannella 125ml di latte 1 uovo intero 1 cucchiaio di olio di…

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