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Tag: Productivity

  • The Power of Flexibility: More Than Just a Mindset

    The Power of Flexibility: More Than Just a Mindset

    In the ever-changing landscape of life and work, adaptability isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a survival skill. As a seasoned software engineer and a human being who’s navigated the ebbs and flows of life, I’ve come to appreciate the profound power of a flexible mindset. It’s the mental yoga that keeps us resilient in the face…

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  • You won’t believe how much time you will save with this Git pre-push hook

    Introduction A significant part of being a successful software developer is refining our workflows to optimize productivity. One method I’ve found incredibly useful is integrating Git hooks with static code analysis tools such as Detekt for my Android projects. The Role of Git Hooks and Detekt in Code Quality Before we dive into the actual…

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  • Show layout bounds from command line

    Lately I found myself clicking through Android Settings menu to enable and disable “Show layout bounds” to check if views are where are supposed to be a bit too often. Using the menu once is OK. Using the menu twice is still OK. I live by the Rule of three so when I hit the…

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  • My IntelliJ Plugin Collection – Kotlin Fill class

    I spend on average 8 hours a day using Intellij and, over the years I created quite a collection of useful plugins. This is the first article of a series where I will present all the plugins I use every day 😄 Kotlin Fill Class One of the Kotlin tools I use every day are…

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  • Uninstall and Run in one shot in Android Studio

    As an Android developer, I live my life one repetitive task after another: Clean, RunUninstall, RunRestartClean, RestartRestart with Debugger Click here, click there. Tap on the phone. Open menu. Tap menu. It never ends. Plug-in to the rescue To ease up the pain, we developers tend to create tools and one of my trusty companions…

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  • ADB over WiFi

    A few days ago, I built a device holder to place as many devices as possible on my desk without losing my sanity ( One more step in that direction is solving the charging issue: N devices, with turned on screen, wifi and gsm data vs Powered USB Hub Poor USB Hub cannot win against…

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  • First hardware project of 2016: device holder

    “Ingredients” Old TV/VCR shelf Velcro Scissors 5 minutes /! Rocket science alert /! Flip the shelf. Place velcro on both the shelf and the back of the device. Attach the device.

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