I spend on average 8 hours a day using Intellij and, over the years I created quite a collection of useful plugins. This is the first article of a series where I will present all the plugins I use every day 😄
Kotlin Fill Class
One of the Kotlin tools I use every day are data classes and I find myself constantly putting in constructor arguments:
Kotlin Fill Class plugin helps a lot with this. This plugin by Kenta Suzuki can be found here and the source code is available on Github. You can install it from Intellij/AndroidStudio Preferences (Cmd + ,) as usual:
The basic idea is that you get a new menu item in the “Alt+Enter” menu:
Once you hit Enter:
BAM! 🤯 You get all the arguments filled in, named and, if they are simple enough, you also get placeholders 😍
It also works on functions:
Once you hit Enter, you get
It seems a tiny thing, but in my experience tiny things add up and this definitely made daily routines a bit more pleasant 😄
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