Tag: Rxjava
Push vs Pull: air conditioning system
By Ivan Morgillo, Sasa Sekulic and Fabrizio Chignoli This article has been excerpted from Grokking ReactiveX. After a life of imperative programming, switching to a reactive mindset could seem challenging: “Why should I give up all the control and bend to this <data are in control> thing?” Let’s look at it in an everyday life scenario:…
2015: my quantum leap
First week of 2016, lots to do, but what about 2015? I’m still working remotely and this helped a lot from a logistic point of view: I relocated in France with my fiancee. Writing I started this blog and I’m putting a fair amount of energy into it, but the most important event is definitely…
Back in Krakow for the Droidcon
After almost ten years, I was in Poland again last week. Ten years ago I was an Erasmus student; last week I was a speaker at Droidcon Krakow! The venue Every Droidcon feels like a family reunion to me, but the funny part is that the family is continuously growing in size, every time we…