Programming, Life-style, Random

Category: Tech

  • IntelliJ IDEA / Android Studio Tricks: Live Templates

    One of my favorite features of IDEA are Live Templates. To give you a bit of context, Live Templates are those things you see appearing when you start typing in IDEA 😂 OK OK, let’s be a bit more precise. If you are writing some Java code and you type foreach and then press TAB,…

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  • Mic and Cam off by default in Google Meet

    A couple of weeks ago I was in an important company meeting. Everybody was quiet and listening to the CEO, everybody was focused on the slide deck the CEO was presenting and everybody had their mic and cam turned off. Well, everybody, but me 🤦‍♂️ While I was watching the stream, my Google account session…

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  • Open Chrome bookmark in a new tab

    Web bookmarks are part of our tech life since 1993, sort-of. They usually come in a couple of shapes: they live in a menu, or they live in a bar. I’m mostly for the bookmark bar arrangement. Something like this: The usage is simple as a click: you click it, the website opens in the…

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  • Go to first unread message on Telegram Web

    As for millions of users, Telegram is part of my communication toolkit: family, friends, community and some pet projects are connected through this fascinating chat system. When it comes to desktop experience, Telegram offers a couple of options: native app or web app. I’m not a big fan of native apps: things like Slack sucking…

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  • Install and run an Android app on every connected device

    I usually have only one device connected when I develop non-UI related parts of the app, but when it comes to UI, I tend to try out the app on as many devices as possible. There was a time when I actually had physical devices connected all the time (, but lately I have been…

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  • What we have now is not “remote working”, it’s “apart working”

    Today I saw a tweet that resonated a lot with me I could not agree more. The whole COVID-19 lockdown created a weird situation where a lot of companies found themselves suddenly “without offices”. From one day to another, people that had always worked in an office were working from home; CEOs that were used…

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  • Uninstall and Run in one shot in Android Studio

    As an Android developer, I live my life one repetitive task after another: Clean, RunUninstall, RunRestartClean, RestartRestart with Debugger Click here, click there. Tap on the phone. Open menu. Tap menu. It never ends. Plug-in to the rescue To ease up the pain, we developers tend to create tools and one of my trusty companions…

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  • Push-to-talk on Meet – Part 2

    Let’s go physical! A couple of weeks ago, I published a post about adding Push-to-talk to Meet. I love that solution and I’m using all the time… or I was. The problem is that I cleaned my desk and I restored my home office setup due to the #coronavirus situation: As you can see, now…

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  • Enable Push-to-talk in Google Meet

    In this time of forced remote working due to #coronavirus, a lot of people on Twitter pointed out that during a conference call you should have your microphone OFF by default and only enable it when you want to speak. I have been using Google Meet a lot lately and I can easily use Cmd+D…

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  • Closing 2019 – Beyond Android

    Since I started going around for conferences in 2015, I mostly attended Droidcons. Over time, I realized that I was building a weird sort of bubble and patterns started to emerge: Android vs iOS 💣My library vs your library 🔥My stack vs your stackMy MVVM vs your MVIRxJava Vs Coroutines 😡Dagger Vs Koin 😠… It…

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