Month: March 2020

  • Push-to-talk on Meet – Part 2

    Let’s go physical! A couple of weeks ago, I published a post about adding Push-to-talk to Meet. I love that solution and I’m using all the time… or I was. The problem is that I cleaned my desk and I restored my home office setup due to the #coronavirus situation: As you can see, now…

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  • Enable Push-to-talk in Google Meet

    In this time of forced remote working due to #coronavirus, a lot of people on Twitter pointed out that during a conference call you should have your microphone OFF by default and only enable it when you want to speak. I have been using Google Meet a lot lately and I can easily use Cmd+D…

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  • Can I loop over a Kotlin Sealed Class?

    As an Android developer, I constantly write API clients: 90% of all mobile apps fetch some JSON, parse it and show it in a list ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ To keep a clear separation between what’s coming from the network and what I want in my domain, I usually have a DTO and a Domain Model. DTO and…

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